Low Light Lovers

If you have a poorly lit hallway or an office with less than ideal lighting conditions (i.e. fluorescent lighting, no windows, literally underground, etc.), these plants can actually tolerate low light! At Reliable Plant Service, we suggest Spathiphyllum, Aglaonema Maria, and Sansevieria Laurentii as ideal plants for those dark, dingy spaces needing a plant pop! While these plants will survive in darker spaces, low light is not to be confused with low maintenance, or a closet!.

Poor light? Not a problem for these plants!

Spathiphyllums, also known as Spaths, are lush, satiny plants with elegant leaves and lily-shaped statement flowers. With dark, sheeny leaves, Spaths will thrive in low light conditions, however, your plant might not bloom as often. In low light, Spathiphyllum leaves will wilt when it needs a drink. Yellowing leaves indicate your Spath is getting too much water and you can scale back in the darker conditions.

When placed in low light environments, Sansevieras, also known as the Snake Plant, can go a month (sometimes longer) without needing water. As a succulent, your Snake Plant doesn’t need a lot of water to begin with and wants even less in low light. Only water when the soil feels dry and light because overwatering can rot the stalk and eventually kill the plant.

With deep green leaves and minimal variegation, Algaonema Marias are truly low light lovers. Marias thrive in warm, humid conditions and will tell you what they need through their leaves. When the leaves are drooping, give it some water and watch it perk back to life. Trim back yellow leaves to help promote new growth. While Marias tolerate low light, they will grow faster in brighter environments.

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